For further information, I’ve created a new album with a couple of photographs about the progress of the balance-wheel spring for my clock.
The `
AFTER` picture shows a slightly grotty
result. I pinched a bit of oven-bake paper from my better-half’s pantry to sit the spring clear of the baking tray. She told me it would scorch at 200C.
It did, and left a grubby piece of wire behind.
For the curious, the six spring coils tightened as a result of the stress relieving process.
I shall follow Michael Williams’ suggestions when making the real one. It will remain unscathed.
Thanks Michael !
Regards to all,
Edited By Sam Stones on 09/11/2010 05:20:00
Edited By Sam Stones on 09/11/2010 05:23:38