Posted by JasonB on 24/09/2020 11:30:14:
Chris, the first hit on dave's web search gives a good image of cutter in relation to each sid eof work for external cutting.

Thanks Jason, when struggling to first get this understood the arrows can be confusing. Here they show cutter movement which translates to stock feed with cutter still. It is easier to understand with arrows denoting the stock feed direction. Not a problem now i get it (hopefully).
So a quick summary, please put me right if I go wrong:
1. Lead screw mills should use conventional milling as table forced with each flute against back lash)
2. if only light cuts are to be made you could mill in either direction
3. No baring on plunge cuts (hole making and slots)
4. If heavy cuts are taken opposing forces cancel each other out. (why on earth would you take such a big cut, not on my Sherline I think/)