Having decided that I'd acquired some basic skill in the use of my new SC4 I thought it time to actually embark on making something – so bought the enticingly titled Stan Bray book on making simple steam engines and boilers.
For a simple boiler he recommends copper rivets to hold the boiler end plates in positioning while silver soldering – hmm, I thought, good idea and nicely decorative too – so drilled all the holes and bought some 3mm copper rivets.
BUT – 3x4mm rivets are too small to hold in my fingers to get them bright clean (they are dull copper, not shiny, but not visibly dirty either) – what do I do to clean them up? I could soft solder them in place after the main soldering job using active flux – but that would make a nonsense of silver soldering the rest of the job!
Any suggestions from the old hands would be very welcome.
Two asides: I was in a nasty traffic accident a couple of months ago, injury compensation is at an early stage but just before Christmas my replacement car arrived courtesy of the other driver's insurance – funny thing, but it looked more like an SX3 mill than a Honda Accord. Every cloud has a silver lining. Second, building my first engine (Slim Sam for those who know the book) have found fatal errors in the plans – more of this in another post.