Clayton wagon valve gear


Clayton wagon valve gear

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    Bob Worsley

      Is this the right forum? Did search and all of them seemed to be in All Itens.

      The Clayton wagon used a rather unusual valve gear which was replaced by Robin Dyer by Joy, with a follow up article by Bernard Lundberg suggesting using the original gear. I only have part one of his article, July 1988, so not certain if he actually made it.

      Doing a search through my hoarded copies of old engineering magazines and came across an article on valve gears in the Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine for 1846 page 271.

      This describes it as Mr Dodds valve gear and used by Robert Stephenson on his locomotives. Only half a page with a coupe of woodcuts but undoubtedly the same method.

      Bit obscure, and not mentioned by BL so might be new, worth making a note of just in case.

      Bob Worsley
        Phil P

          Is Bernard Lundberg still alive ?

          He came to see me many many years ago, but I have not heard anything about him for a long time now.


          Bob Worsley

            Found another reference to the Dodds valve gear in the Colburn Locomotive engineering book.

            Nick Clarke 3
              Posted by Bob Worsley on 31/12/2020 13:22:16:

              The Clayton wagon used a rather unusual valve gear which was replaced by Robin Dyer by Joy, with a follow up article by Bernard Lundberg suggesting using the original gear. I only have part one of his article, July 1988, so not certain if he actually made it.

              According to the ME Index there appear to be 26 references to his 2" Clayton Waggon model between 1986 and 2001, with details of brake gear, valve gear and a tipping body mentioned, as well a a note about a part completed model in 1992.

              Unfortunately these copies are not in my collection, so I can't help you more, but perhaps someone else can, or maybe a visit to the Library when that becomes possible?.

              Bob Worsley

                Reading a book about the Crampton Loco and it seems one of those also used the Dodd's valve gear. Poor copy of a drawing but to my eye undoubtably the same.

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