Classifieds problem


Classifieds problem

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  • #760146

      Looking to find a good home for a couple of vintage motor cycle books I tried to create an ad but fell at the last fence: at the end of the process there is a reminder to press publish “on the next page” but, so far as I could see, no link to it or way to get there.

      Can anyone enlighten me, please?

      PS When is the spelling mistake in the topic title going to be corrected? (it’s for its)

      Michael Gilligan

        It’s just a guess … but I would assume you need to click that yellow ‘Preview’ button to make the leap to the relevant page.




        Nicholas Farr

          Hi ega. both it’s and its are correct spellings, where it’s is short for it is, and its is a sense of belonging too, e.g. when talking about a dog , you can say it’s wagging its tail. A spell checker can’t point out grammar mistakes, so if you used it’s both times. it would be incorrect, because you would be saying, it is wagging it is tail.

          Regards Nick.




            Thank you – I’ll give that a try.

            I admit I found the whole process hard work and at that stage was struggling with the horrid CAPTCHA!


              Before I make a third (!) attempt to list these books, does anyone know whether the process insists on publicising one’s email?

              Last time round having got to a successful preview and looking to avoid using my email address I pressed the PM button and, predictably, lost all my work.

              The character limitation is very annoying; surely some warning could be given during editing so that one is not “ambushed” at the review stage.

              I did belatedly read the help section and see that it does indicate that a review is required For some reason, however, it seems to imply that the facility is intended solely for bikes – perhaps the wording has been cut and pasted from a motor bike website.

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