Ready for a track test, a short video where I had the loco jacked on the bench for a motor/controller test, not much to see but it gives the sound and the headlights and rear lights changing with the direction switch. The two lower rear lights are red but they only show as white in the video..? I dont know why but I,m sure someone will.
I did have a sound system for the loco but it unfortunately went pop and I doubt I will buy another one and just go for a two tone horn.
With the loco jacked on the bench I took a maximum rpm reading at the wheels which comes out at 7.5 mph but that is unloaded of course. I would think though with the 500 + watts across 4 motors it should be capable of 7mph (ish) with half a dozen passengers but the club track limit is restricted to 5mph anyway.
It will be interesting to see how it pulls especially when pulling away from standstill, I have gone with the 16T pulleys that came fitted to the motors which gives a 4.5/1 ratio. I would have gone with 6.0/1 by choice but as the motors had the fitted pulleys and apparently they are a bugger to remove I thought I will see how it goes. Should it need lower gearing I can change the pulleys to 12T.
Edited By Ron Laden on 25/05/2021 10:34:24