To everyone, thanks for your complimentary comments. As far as compounding goes, as I suspected, and as most of you have pointed out, since the exhaust air has very little work energy in it as compared to steam, the HP cyl. is basically just motoring over the LP cyl. against friction with little assistance from the HP exhaust. Hence the higher pressure required.
As far as problems with the castings, besides the bearing pedestals mentioned earlier, the valve chest castings had insufficient machining allowance on both height and thickness so when just cleaned up to a flat surface they were smaller than the drawing dimensions in both height and thickness. As well the cast inlet boss was oval to the point that the 1/4" tapped hole would have broken through on the sides so were milled off and replaced with turned bosses threaded into the valve chests. The trunk guides were decidedly oval so after some work with files to get then close to circularity, they required very careful set up for boring to ensure that the bore didn't run out the side of the casting. As it turned out when bored to the stated 5/8" dia. the wall thickness was only about .045". It would have been easier to change that 5/8 bore to 9/16 which would have given a thicker wall and made setup that much easier.
One mistake I made when machining the cyls. was to use my usual practice of using the as cast radius of the flanges as the datum to define the cyl centres (always worked well before). This resulted in that when the cyl. was finished, and the cavity in the valve chest was centred on the steam ports, the top of the valve chest sat proud of the top of the flat as cast surface of the cyl where the exhaust boss is, by about 1/16" with the result that there was no room for the top row of valve chest studs in the cyl. After some head scratching (and a few choice words!) the solution was to lower the valve chest to the point were the studs could be fitted and to offset the valve on the spindle so that it was centred on the ports (as can be seen in the photos the valve chest is still slightly proud of the cyl). In hind sight( wonderful thing that) I should have used that as cast flat surface were the exhaust boss is as the datum to define the cyl .centres and filed back the flanges to suit. There was plenty of meat on the bottom of the casting for the cyl. centres to be lowered. As it was I machined off about 1/8" to bring the cyl. vert. centre to the 1 1/16" height required.
As Jason says, this engine was basically two of Clarkson's horiz. singles with and extra mirror image bedplate and a large casting for the rope drum. The ends of the rope drum are just the horiz. singles flywheels reduced in dia. somewhat. As the cyl castings weren't cored it could be made as a two cyl. high pressure of 1" bore or a compound with 3/4 and 1" bores. I chose the latter.
Edited By John Purdy on 29/08/2018 19:52:20
Edited By John Purdy on 29/08/2018 19:58:32
Edited By John Purdy on 29/08/2018 20:01:33