Here's some pics of the latest project I am trying to complete, a Clarkson's horizontal compound mill engine (3/4" and 1" bore by 1.5" stroke). Only the crank pins, con rods, and eccentric rods to do, and mount the cyls.. Then figure out what to make for the base and what colour to paint it. Anyone got any suggestions?
I acquired them in Apr. "98 in a job lot from a fellow down the road in Ladysmith BC who had bought them from someone else. It was the complete casting set plus drawings in the original shipping box. They had originally been bought by a fellow in Victoria BC from Caldwell's of Luling Texas on 17 June 1960 for $84.53 (51.86 current UK pounds).
Along with these there was a part built 3/4" scale 4-8-4 Northern loco, tender, and boiler (which is what I had gone down there to see in the first place), a Stuart Turner beam and 5A with reverser and pump, which were partially built (complete castings and materials, but missing some fasteners) and untouched complete sets with plans for ST #1with reverser, ST#9 and pump, ST boiler steam feed pump, #4 cyl casting set, and two #6 cyl. casting sets.
I was really only interested at the time in the loco but he would not sell the items separately and the price he was asking for the lot was less than the then current price for the #1 and #9 so I couldn't refuse.
I found for the most part they machined very nicely (the valve chests and covers were chilled but after a few hours at 1400 deg in the kiln and overnight cooling were OK). Some though required very careful setting up as there was minimal machining allowance, particularly the trunk guides as the wall ended up only .050" thick. Also a number of castings were smaller in the cast state than the finished drawing dimensions. Namely the valve chests and covers, main bearing top caps and main bearing pedestals ( as cast 7/8" tall whereas the finished dim. is to be 1 1/16" above cyl mounting pad.)
These problems were got around but required some extra thought and planning.
Edited By John Purdy on 19/08/2017 21:36:14
Edited By John Purdy on 19/08/2017 21:48:26
Edited By John Purdy on 19/08/2017 21:53:40