Posted by noel shelley on 07/07/2023 10:11:10:
Gentlemen, The instructions I have for the radius grinder are the Mk2 which is different to the Mk1 though the basic principles are the same. It is a small booklet in printed form, and I'm not sure how one turns it into something I can send out. I will run it through the copier and and see if it will copy and convert to A5. The "bedroom workshop" is a vast collection of pictures of Clarkson gear and there is Mike Haughtons 6 part work in MEW 148 – 153 that is worth reading. As for the attachments, they often cost more than a good tooled grinder when they come up ! As for the belt a poly V run inside out will work if the original is not available.
Ian the motor is a 1/2Hp 2pole 2820rpm and since you only have the motor it may be as easy to change the motor to a single phase. Or use a static converter. The spindle speed is 4000 rpm. If you PM me I can send the machine instructions. I may have a universal head, I will look in the shed. Wheel balance is vital, I twice had a wheel come off ! ! ! Till later. Noel
Hi Noel, thanks for the information.
I have purchased an inverter that is suitable for a 1hp 3 phase motor, it steps up the voltage from 240v to 400v so will run the motor with no problems. The cost of the inverter was NZ$100 including shipping, so most likely less than the cost of a single phase motor to convert it to single phase.
Since I don't have the cover where the switches go I will have to make one, so I measured the existing hole and by extending the opening down I can fit the inverter to the back of the cover I make and fit a start and stop switch above it then fit the cover. This will hide the inverter inside the stand and enable me to use the existing 3 phase motor or fit a .75hp in place of the 1/2 hp motor if I want to in the future.
If I did that I would add a speed control to the inverter and adjust the rpm to give 6000rpm.
The universal head is one of the things I am looking for, then I will need to make some sleeves to hold the cutters, I'm assuming the same sleeves are used for the radius fixture as well. I'm also looking for the vise and any other accessories, they aren't very common here in NZ.
I would like to convert the table to run on rollers, and possibly convert the table movement to wire rope in place of the rack. I think the rack is binding as it feels very notchy when moving the table and you feel every tooth, it makes me wonder if the rack and rack drive gear are original.
From what I gather the grinder was part of a deceased estate and dismantled at that time, the person I got it off had reassembled it but didn't have the final bits to complete the job.
I have looked at many photos of the radius grinder online and see I am missing a few bits and the bracket the spindle housing attaches to looks like it has been fabricated but it obviously works.