If the bearings are taper roller, I would recommend a high melting point lithium grease, as used for older car wheel bearings. Be sure to leave at least 50% air space when packing them.
I found the parts list, they are very likely taper roller, but that grease would work with any ball or roller bearings. Why do you want to replace them?
Thanks, I don't want to replace them, I just want to know how you get to them to lubricate them. I'm presuming I don't have to strip the mill head apart every time they need lubricating….
I agree with SOD here, they are probably not intended to be lubricated during their lifespan. The manual should show lubrication points and there may not be any mentioned for the lathe spindle either.
All it says in the manual is .. 'Lead screw and mill head spindle should be oiled weekly '…. so maybe you're right. The bearings are a little noisy so looks I may have to replace them then.
Strange, I downloaded the CL500M manual from the Clarke website, and the routine lubrication on page 23 does not show any lubrication of the milling spindle.