Thank you Anthony for your advice re the wiring diagram. I had already seen that one, The diagram looks similar although the row in which there are only 2 wired terminals is in a different position, and is that a link wire between the F and R terminals . However, the 3way switch in my control panel not only has wires connected to 11 of the 12 terminals which all connect to other components, but there are also a number of short black wires which link one terminal to another. These links are connecting a Forward terminal to a Reverse one, with each connection being in a different vertical row, except for one link which is connected to F and R terminals in the same row. The soldering on each of the wires/terminals appear to be original. As these links are not clearly shown in the wiring diagram I am hoping that someone may be able to provide a schematic of their wiring, including the linking wires for the F.O.R. switch.