Clarke CL300


Clarke CL300

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  • #76021
      ArcEuro have the ones for the Sieg … (or they did when I got my spare one last month
      john swift 1
        HI Neil
        you can’t beat a free sample !
        a quick search for a 4k7 potentiometers plus double throw switch this morning
        directed me to this link –
        while all the retailers of the machines using the original part
        normally have them in stock
        for a club for instance , spares from Omeg look like an economic alternative
        if its made from stocked parts
        £25 for 10 + carriage + vat       (about the cost of 3 or 4  original parts ?)

        Edited By john swift 1 on 08/10/2011 20:37:37

        philip caton
          Hi john
          I have been reading all of your posts because I have a fc250j/230v board of the smd type in my clarke lathe which after some use started to speed up and then go back to normal untill the next day when I switched on it was at full speed. Ho I thought I have seen posts by John Swift about the IRFP250 going sc so ordered and found that with replacement no differance. So checked the speed pot 4.7k lin seemed ok and 12v supply seems to be right and adjusting, also checked c2 and the diode on the motor supply all seems OK. I got a 4.7k lin pot from Maplins and took the switch apart and you can change the contacts inside so that it is in the on position when off, and turning on the switch it goes oc but alas it works just as the original. So I am still trying to find out why I cannot control the speed any thoughts???
          Kiaran Walker
            Hi Phil
            Does re-wiring the switch give you the no voltage protection and is it easy to do?
            philip caton
              Hi Kiaran
              Yes the switch after doing the mod works as the original the part no on my recipt from Maplins is FW41 sw Pot lin 4k7 to do the mod you have to remove the switch part by bending back 4 metal lugs very easy to do. When removed there are 2 copper rivets in the diaginal corners you have to drill these out the the switch will come apart the lower part has the contacts in you can remove these and put them in the vacant spaces behind reassemble and I super glued it back together using ordinary super glue with the addition of super glue accelerator a must I think for any model engineer. The make I use is by Pacer part number 09531 can be found on Ebay 2fl oz about £5. Hope this helps
              john swift 1
                Hi Phil
                first , replace the motor with a 60 to 100w GLS bulb (not an eco bulb)
                this will save the motor and board from damage
                few easy tests
                without the potentiometer connect P2 and P3 this should give you zero speed / output ?
                check the voltage across D6 and D7 is 12V
                (they are near the IC nearest to the green connector)
                disconnect R8 (= 68K , its in the middle of the large resistors)
                does this turn off the FET’s and make the output zero ?

                I try to find picture of the board to show test points for the IC’s later
                PS  once I’ve traced the circuit details for the SMD version of board
                       I’ll look in to testing the control circuit with an external DC supply
                      to limit the need to work on the board while live !

                Edited By john swift 1 on 09/10/2011 19:31:01

                philip caton
                  Hi John
                  Just completed test D6 & D7 have 12V across them with link in P2&P3 blub glows dimley with R 8 disconected there is no output bulb not lit.
                  I have had the bulb connected for all test as I have the seed box on my test bench.
                  john swift 1
                    Hi Phil
                    that works as expected
                    If you re connect R8
                    and link P1 and P2 that should give you about half power (full speed in reverse)
                    linking P1 , P2 and P4 will give you full power , the bulb full brightness
                    if that works try with the potentiometer you should have control of the test lamp
                    philip caton
                      Hi John
                      Just did the test after connecting R8 up and on linking P1 & P2 it gives full power and there is no differance when P1,P2 & P3 are connected
                      john swift 1
                        Hi phil
                        looking at the diagrams for the ealy version of the speed control
                        if the 220K 1W resistor (R3) is open circuit you will see no change of voltage at point “A”
                        so you will have no negative feedback through U1a and U1d to the virtual earth point
                        at the junction of R29,R30, R31 ,R33 and the inverting input of U1c ( pin 9 )
                        R3 is near the heatsink and preset resistors
                        that could be why linking P3 and P2 gives a very small output voltage
                        but the potentiometer at its minimum you have full output
                        (a small positive voltage not zero as when P3 and P2 are linked )
                        most but ,not all components are labled the same on both versions of boards


                        philip caton
                          Hi John
                          You have do it again yes it was the 220 k that had gone OC all seems to work OK on the lamp I will fit the speed box on the lathe tonignt, many thanks for your thoughts on this problem and lets hope it will help others.
                          john swift 1
                            Hi Phil
                            a good result
                            I’m glad it was an easy part to replace and not one of the dozen or so surface mount
                            devices next on the list to check
                            Kiaran Walker
                              Posted by philip caton on 09/10/2011 18:13:35:

                              Hi Kiaran
                              Yes the switch after doing the mod works as the original the part no on my recipt from Maplins is FW41 sw Pot lin 4k7 to do the mod you have to remove the switch part by bending back 4 metal lugs very easy to do. When removed there are 2 copper rivets in the diaginal corners you have to drill these out the the switch will come apart the lower part has the contacts in you can remove these and put them in the vacant spaces behind reassemble and I super glued it back together using ordinary super glue with the addition of super glue accelerator a must I think for any model engineer. The make I use is by Pacer part number 09531 can be found on Ebay 2fl oz about £5. Hope this helps
                              Hi Phil
                              Not working for me, the switch now cuts the power when switched on as I thought it might as it just seems to be reversed, like off when on.
                              philip caton
                                Hi Kiaran
                                Sorry to here you have not been able to get it to work I have mine in my Lathe and it works OK, just wondering is the switch part white in colour ? my one had on the terminal ends a round inpression and the stamping 4/80 over 250 then below d CCA and the make OMEG as the switch is double pole both are working but you only use one of the poles.
                                Kiaran Walker
                                  Hi Phil
                                  Exactly the same , using one pole I have cable 5 on one terminal and cable 3 and another one leading to the emi filter on the other, pardon my ignorance but if the switch is off in the on position how does the power get through?

                                  Edited By Kiaran Walker on 10/10/2011 19:18:21

                                  john swift 1
                                    Hi Kiaran ,
                                    with the switch closed and a direction selected
                                    the relays normally open contacts close
                                    one connects the positive supply to the motor
                                    and the other is in parallel with the switch on the speed control ( terminals 6 & 7)
                                    this maintains the circuit when the switch opens as you turn the speed up
                                    the resistors R43 and diode D6 enable two in expensive 24V dc relays
                                    to be used instead of a more expensive two pole main operated relay
                                    PS points BR are the DC supply to the controle circuit


                                    Edited By john swift 1 on 10/10/2011 20:03:01

                                    Kiaran Walker
                                      Not much good with these types of diagrams but from what I can tell I can hear what must be the relays engaging when the power is turned on but when the pot switch is turned to on, or open contacts, the relays can be heard opening, hence no power.
                                      john swift 1
                                        Hi Kiaran
                                        it looks like one relay is faulty or the printed circuit is open circuit
                                        see if you can check the connection form terminals 3 and 5 to the relay
                                        in the diagram below
                                        the track ( in red) from AC3 to the relay is hidden
                                        you should be able to see terminals 5 and 7 to the relay common



                                        Edited By john swift 1 on 10/10/2011 22:34:00

                                        Kiaran Walker
                                          Connection from 3 and 5 to each test point is ok, one having a very slightly higher value, also got the same reading between 3 and 5 and the left RLY in the top pic. but nothing between 3 and 5 and the relay common.
                                          john swift 1
                                            Hi Kiaran
                                            I have managed to get a picture of the board that shows how to test the relay

                                            Kiaran Walker
                                              oops, thanks john,
                                              now I see a bit clearer, I can energise the relay and get a connection between the two 3’s on the yellow line, 3 + 5 show a connection with the relay energised or not, this is with the pot. switch off or closed contacts.
                                              john swift 1
                                                Hi Kiaran ,
                                                start with the board as in the second picture , you can connect your multimeter
                                                across terminals 3 and 5 , to test for continuity
                                                (I fitted the probes under the wire clamps)
                                                with an external DC supply , as shown across the relay coil ,( two PP3’s will do)
                                                the relay should connect terminals 3 and 5 together
                                                if this works ,when the board is reinstalled
                                                the relay contacts are connected in parallel with the switch on the back of the poentiometer
                                                when the relay is working correctly , it maintains the power when you move the control clockwise and away from the anticlockwise end stop
                                                the switch is now open but the relay connects terminals 3 and 5
                                                think of the speed control switch being like the green start button on a
                                                direct on line starter, its closed just to start the motor
                                                PS    the yellow line just shows the hidden printed circuit connection between
                                                         terminal 3 and the tag on the relay


                                                Edited By john swift 1 on 11/10/2011 16:57:15

                                                Kiaran Walker
                                                  Just had another try with similar results using a laptop charger at 20v. there is plenty of clicking going on but no activity between 3+5, looks like a break somwhere.
                                                  john swift 1
                                                    Hi Kiaran ,
                                                    the relay is Omron G5LA-1 24V
                                                    maplin don’t stock the relay , but
                                                    Farnell have it part number 1455505
                                                    RS Component are out of stock part number 683-9141
                                                    so you have 4 options
                                                    1, replace the board – quick but expensive option
                                                    2, replace the relay
                                                    3, use an alternative No Volt Release switch
                                                    4, use the Maplin potentiometer and loose the NVR function !
                                                    Kiaran Walker
                                                      I think for now I will do without the NVR function and pick up a couple of relays for my to-do list, they’re so cheap. Should be ok now, it’s all sinking in slowly but surely.
                                                      Thanks ever so much for guidance and info. on this matter, really, you is a star matey!.
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