Clarke CL300


Clarke CL300

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    Kiaran Walker

      Hello to all. I have the Clarke CL300 mini lathe for four years and is in regular use.
      It was still ok to use when the variable speed switch broke as I was using the forward/reverse switch to power off and the potentiometer was still ok, the idle speed is zero with no power to the motor until about an eighth of a turn. After a while on the odd occasion when the switch kicked in the motor would surge as if to run full speed for just a second. Now after finding the impressive amount of CL300 info. on this site I have fitted a new maplins potentiometer, new irfp450 mosfets and a new C14 capacitor, C4 on my board. Now it runs as well as ever apart from the surge to the motor when the power is turned by the variable switch but only for the first time then is ok to on/off until the power is offed then it surges again on the first power on. Using the emergency switch to cut power and restart also causes the surge. So not really a huge problem as it can worked around but something is miss somewhere. I wired the control box up to my mini mill with the same result to rule out the motor and I don’t think the new mosfets or C14 made any difference. Something simple I hope.

      Kiaran Walker


        john swift 1
          Hi Kiaran
          the capacitor C4 (or C14 for SMT board ) is only needed if the relays buzz
          the change in contact resistance ,using the potentiometer from maplin
          could affect the minimum speed setting and a small DC error cause the
          burst of high speed when starting from cold
          have a look at the “speed control for Clarke CL300 lathepost –   page 2 3rd post
          with the switch in forward direction
          set  the ” speed” preset R15  on the PCB for the required minimum speed
          and R15 for minimum buzz
          if you can , avoid the “torque” preset   R37
           unless you know its been incorrectly adjusted



          Edited By john swift 1 on 05/10/2011 12:43:20

          Kiaran Walker
            John, thanks for the quick response, extremely impressed with your know-how. I did read all the other posts and have fiddled around with speed preset with no change, hopefully it’s back where it started. The R12 quietened things down pretty well. The zero speed at switching on is how it’s been from new and I’m pretty sure the surge developed before fitting the maplin potentiometer, if I short out the potentiometer switch will that rule it out?. Don’t have a tester or much idea of what to do with one.
            Cheers, Kiaran

            Edited By Kiaran Walker on 05/10/2011 15:31:37

            Gone Away
              Interesting Kiaran.
              I have a generic asian 7x minilathe (not Clarke) and I have a similar situation. The first time I switch on with the speed control switch everything works normally. Every (or most) subsequent times I get the speed surge. This goes on until I cut power at the main on-off switch.
              I think this is actually opposite to yours by the sound of it.
              As far as I recall, it’s always done this from new – so much so that I’ve assumed it’s normal operation. It’s not really a problem so I’ve never bothered with it.
              john swift 1
                Hi Kiaran ,
                thats great that its working OK now
                if you can start the motor at minimum speed and it dosen’t start at a higher speed
                the switch is working correctly
                while the control looks like the switch and volume control used in radios and tv’s etc
                the switch works the other way round
                when you would expect it to be off its on , and vise versa
                the switch on the back of speed control potentiometer is only used to start the motor at minimum speed , provided the motor direction switch is in forward or reverse ( but not stop)

                one of the relays wired across the switch maintains the supply when the switch opens as you increase the speed
                the other relay switches the DC power to the motor
                this makes you start at minimum speed to protect the motor and speed control
                and provide the no volt release so if the mains goes off, it doesn’t restart by its self
                when the mains supply is restored
                depending on the type of preset used on your version of the board
                the setting of the preset could of moved
                or the effects of heat generated by the high wattage resistors has cause the alignment of the board to drift
                Kiaran Walker
                  A bit confused now, the minimum speed starting as normal is still zero rpm as it has always been but the surge at power on remains, I was going to short the switch as a check to remove it from the equation.
                  Kiaran Walker

                    Hi Sid,

                    This problem is definaitly new to mine after four years, it makes me jump every time now.
                    Because my idle speed is zero I can just leave it not running without using the switch
                    as I had been doing with the old damaged one. Does changing direction and going through
                    the off position count as powering off and so allow you a normal start in reverse?.

                    Cheers, Kiaran.

                    john swift 1
                      Hi Kiaran
                      Hmmm It looks like I miss read your last post
                      the boards I’ve seen had a minimum speed of 30 to 50 RPM
                      if its set to zero speed
                      there is still a voltage across the motor and quickly switching direction could shorten the life of the switch
                      provided the speed control is at minimum when you switch the mains on
                      you can test the board with the switch bypassed
                      which version of the board do you have? the one with the square blue multiturn ones?
                      Kiaran Walker
                        Sorry for any confusion it’s a bit difficult to get into words sometimes.
                        When I say minimum speed I mean the speed it runs at when the power is switched on which is zero rpm, after about an eighth of a turn the power kicks in and the idle speed is as you say 30 rpm (got a wilkos cycle speedo rigged up).
                        I’ve by-passed the switch and there is still a surge at power on.
                        The board has small blue oblong multiturn adjusters.
                        Kiaran Walker
                          With the switch by-passed I swapped back the old potentiometer, hey presto I think the term is, all normal and no surge, the original pot. says B4.7K, maplin gave me 47KA, could this be it.
                          john swift 1
                            Hi Kiaran
                            yes thats it , the original control is linear
                            “volume” controls are logrithmic !!!!!
                            I thought I’d made a note of it in the speed control post
                            you need one from Machine Mart , Arc Euro Trade or Chester machine tools,etc that sell the lathes
                            I’m slightly distracted at the moment
                            since the last upgrade of my antivirus software ,I not been able post on this forum
                            till now
                            so far it apears the forums IT dept has not replied to my email to Diane
                            so I’ve installed windows and some another antivirus package on another drive !!
                            at the moment ,windows is having another go at its 50+ updates !!!!!

                            Edited By john swift 1 on 05/10/2011 21:36:01

                            Gone Away
                              Posted by Kiaran Walker on 05/10/2011 16:44:11:

                              Does changing direction and going through

                              the off position count as powering off and so allow you a normal start in reverse?.

                              Er … offhand I dunno. Can’t ever remember actually using reverse.
                              I’ll try it when/if I can but it may be a little while. I’m interdicted on using that machine at the moment…… something’s putting noise on my ICD-pacemaker leads (not a happy situation), likely something in the shop. That lathe is one of the suspects so I’m staying off it for a while.
                              Kiaran Walker
                                Hello again John,
                                nearly there with this now, it looks like Maplins pots are available in linear and logarithmic, I have store a few miles away and took the old one in and asked for a replacement and took what was given, so if I go back and ask for a linear one might that be ok?, also is it a 47k I need, the original says 4.7k, they have a 4k7 just to confuse more.
                                Nearly done, thanks a lot,
                                  4.7k is 4k7
                                  Also did someone say the switch was reversed. (Closed when Off … and not  open when off) – You won’t get one of these at Maplin … I’ll check my spare switch/pot I got from ArcEuro for my Sieg Mill.

                                  Edited By Steambuff on 06/10/2011 10:36:29

                                  Kiaran Walker
                                    Done and done,
                                    Cheers Dave, been to maplins, got and fitted a 4k7 and all is perfect, was given a 47k the first time so it obviously makes a difference. Will be back for a couple of spares for two quid each.
                                    Thanks to all, much appreciated.
                                    john swift 1
                                      Hi kiaran
                                      glad to see its working
                                      just double checking whats the catalogue number ?
                                      does the switch work the correct way ?
                                      PS 4.7k = 4K7 , putting the K in place of the decimal point avoids any confusion
                                      with low resolution copies of circuits & parts lists
                                      Hi Steambuff
                                      the switch should be closed when the speed control is fully anticlockwise
                                      this powers the coils in the relays to start , just as the green start button does on a direct on line starter
                                      the switch opens as you turn the control clockwise to set the required speed
                                      one of the relay contacts  maintains the power to the relay coils and the
                                       speed control circuit until you hit the stop button or switch the direction switch to off
                                      this gives you the “no volt release” function
                                      and ensures you have to turn the speed to minimum to start
                                      protects the motor and speed control provided you don’t switch direction
                                      too quickly with the motor running

                                      Edited By john swift 1 on 06/10/2011 22:14:41

                                      Kiaran Walker
                                        Hi John,
                                        cat. number is FW41U, all functions working as normal so far.
                                        Sub Mandrel
                                          Just to clarify John’s point about logarithmic pots:
                                          “the original pot. says B4.7K, maplin gave me 47KA, ”
                                          “A” means a logarithmic pot and “B” means a linaer one.
                                          On a ‘B” pot the resitance changes evenly by the same amount, while for an “A” pot the resistance increases slowly at first, faster as you continue to turn it (clockwise, usually).
                                          If the mini lathe is set up for a ‘B’ pot with an ‘A’ pot the speed conrol will not work quite as expected, it will be insensitive at the low end and too sensitive at the top end..
                                          Kiaran Walker
                                            Curious one, all maplins switched pots. are listed as linear yet both supplied to me are marked A, the last one has 4k7A stamped on the side but is listed FW41U Sw Pot Lin 4k7, got to be linear.
                                            john swift 1
                                              it looks like there is two standards to indicate if the potentiometer is log or linear
                                              old system , linear = A , new system linear = B !!!!
                                              may be it was the same bright spark that thought its a good idea to use blue as the new neutral colour when it has been use to ident one of the three phases for years —
                                              the switch on the maplin part works the wrong way
                                              while the lathe will work you will lose the no volt release function
                                              you may be able to find a potentiometer with a double throw switch ( change over switch)
                                              Omeg ltd for instance will make them to order in a small quantity
                                              (but its a bit expensive if you only need one !!!)
                                              Kiaran Walker
                                                Hi John,
                                                The only difference for me I can tell is that the emergency cutout acts like an on/off with the motor restarting itself when it’s released, think I had to reset before to resume power.
                                                Will the maplin switch do any damage or cause any other problems later on or should I just get a proper one from machine mart, what would you do?
                                                Am waiting a responce from maplins re the A suffix on their pots.
                                                john swift 1
                                                  Hi Kiaran
                                                  the old version of the control FC250J you will do damage with an instant start at a high speed
                                                  but with the new FC250 SMD version , there is an extra RC network added that gives you a controlled increase of speed that should protect the control board and motor
                                                  one danger ,with the maplin part ,is the loss of the No Volt Release function
                                                  if you lost the mains to the workshop and you forgot to switch off the lathe
                                                  it would restart when the mains is restored
                                                  with the original part
                                                  the emergency stop switch only needs to open long enough for the relay to open
                                                  to stop the lathe
                                                  with the maplin part the stop switch has to latch down to stay switched off
                                                  Kiaran Walker
                                                    Thanks John,
                                                    I can live with the no volt thing and I never really use the emergency stop.
                                                    My board says FC250JSMD so should have the extra RC thing.
                                                    Sub Mandrel
                                                      Kiaran, you never use teh emergency stop … until the day you need it!
                                                      Also, when I had the ‘wrong’ pot fitted I had to take huge care to make sure the machine was switched off , because there was always the danger of it leaping into motion.
                                                      I needed one of these N/C switched pots for my Mill (same PCB, essentially).
                                                      > Omeg ltd for instance will make them to order in a small quantity
                                                      > (but its a bit expensive if you only need one !!!)
                                                      I rang them up to ask about singles and they very kindly sent me a free sample!
                                                      I don’t suppose they will do they every day if you all ring up at once, but if one person does…
                                                      Or perhaps Arc Euro or similar could buy in a few dozen as stock?

                                                      Edited By Stub Mandrel on 08/10/2011 18:47:47

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