I have recenty finished this engine and would like to hear from anyone else that has done so. Drawings are from the late Ron Churnichs Motor Boys site, found after talk on here regarding the Nalon Viper engine, from the same source. I am not sure if it is a real attempt at designing a usable engine, or, if it was an execise in making one from bar stock material only. It is heavy for its capacity, 195grams compared to 129 grams for the repro Mills 1.3cc that I made.. I thought the appearance looked a bit "brutal" to me ,so I have put some taper to the muff shape,thinned and rounded the edges of the fins,plus adding an extra fin. I also put some taper on the front bearing housing and added a bronze bearing The weight is in the all steel cylinder and fins being machined from one piece of EN1A.. It is unusual in having the fuel bypass opposite the exhaust, rather than at 90 deg to it and I think fuel is being squirted straight across and out the exhaust somewhat.. I found a major clash with the con-rod against the cylinder wall on one side. The bypass slot gives clearance on one side, but no clearance is drawn for the opposite side. I found I had to re-machine a 60 deg slice from the internal cylinder wall to allow the rod to clear OK. I have lapped the piston /cylinder to achieve that leak proof compression required,, but to date have only managed to get it to run is bursts of about 5 seconds after a prime, whatever I do with the carb. This shows it is onlty running on what is in the crankcase, so I need to do some work on the carb, made as drawn.. It has plent of suck, so I think my next move will be to fit the Mills carb to it, as I know that works.I made the stub theads the same for this purpose .Keith