Chuck Fail


Chuck Fail

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  • #718353
    Kiwi Bloke

      C’mon everyone, let’s settle down…

      In fact it was me that introduced ‘precision chucks’ into this thread, not the unfairly-accused An Other. I recognised the flavour of the original post and didn’t intend to appear to be arguing, but was cogniscent of the fact that these threads are probably read by many more metal-workers than wood-workers. Many readers appear to be relative beginners, so I was worried that they may go away with the idea that what goes for a (rough-and-ready) wood lathe chuck goes for a precision chuck (or even a less-than-precision scroll chuck). The jaws and slots are numbered (if they’re numbered at all) for a reason…

      An Other – I don’t think this forum’s members are very frequently upset or rude – it’s pretty civilised – so why not reconsider your abandoning it? Anyway, why worry about the risk of ruffling a few feathers? It’s all part of what makes life fun…

      Howard Lewis

        A n Other,

        You will NEVER please all the people, all the time. There are still folk who will aver that the earth is flat, or that water will run up hill.

        What is boring or contentious to one may be avidly interesting, and very agreeable to another.

        Stick with it, for the interest to you, and for the contributions that you can make to benefit others.

        Purely a report, so no fingers pointed.

        As an Apprentice I saw an ashtray, and round the rim was inscribed “Illigitmos, non carborundum”

        On the underside was the tranlation: “Don’t let the bastards grind you down”

        Don’t join the ranks of those who will take offence at anything


        Nigel Graham 2

          A.N.Other –

          Pray do not forsake us!.


          Woodchucks… I thought I’d seen the name somewhere. Wikipedia came to the rescue:

          The groundhog, also known as the woodchuck, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots. The groundhog is a lowland creature …. found through much of the Eastern United States, across Canada and into Alaska. 

          Not wise to try to adjust a woodchuck. It has teeth and claws…


            A N  – – – -Mate, Chill

            Regards  Ian.

            An Other

              I would like to thank the forum members who have posted the encouraging emails – you know who you are. I would just like to offer an explanation before I quit. I joined the Forum from the day it started, (under my real name) because I took ME in printed form for more years than I care to remember, and valued it as an excellent source of information and entertainment and news, and hoped the forum would reflect that, which at first it did.

              Over time, the often unpleasant remarks increased, and I will be the first to admit that I too have made remarks I later regretted in the heat of the discussion, or without realising what I had written. I tried to remedy this with an apologetic PM when possible, not always successfully, unfortunately.

              This situation did not improve, so I first tried to reduce my posts, but found my interest was such that occasionally I wanted to contribute. The unpleasant comments did not reduce, and eventually I re-registered under a pseudonym. You may think this was a bit extreme – all I can say is that it was unpleasant.

              Now, many years later, I don’t think the situation has improved – I still value highly the skill and knowledge of some members, so I will miss the forum,  but still deplore the bad manners and rudeness displayed unnecessarily by others. There are other forums around, where posters are treated with humour and respect.

              While I much appreciate, and even agree with those posters who have suggested I stay, I must repeat what I said before, I’m fed up with it, and will miss some I consider friends.

              To those who don’t agree with what I have written, that is your privilege – please enjoy the forum. Goodbye.


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