The wobble is a concern, but all backplates should be screwed up several times and then the front face skimmed till true. The only time I didn't have to true up was when I bought a 9" faceplate for the museum's Smart & Brown model A from a seller on ebay who had a low starting price, but had no idea what he was selling. One of his photo's showed the casting number and I took a chance and got lucky. I fitted it to the lathe and was just going to face it off, when something made me decide to check it first, it had a tir of 0.0005".
So few people have a first hand experiance of actually running registers, but there are many experts about.
Here is a list of the chucks and faceplates used on the museum's lathe.
6" Toolmex lightweight 4jaw independent. 160mm Chinese 4 jaw independent.
er25 collet.
100mm Pratt Burnerd 3 jaw scroll.
125mm Chinese Huhhot 3 jaw scroll.
2 off 5" Pratt Burnerd 3 jaw scroll.
160mm Chinese 3 jaw scroll.
6 3/4" Pratt serrated 3 jaw scroll.
7" faceplate with bolted on boss.
9" faceplate with bolted on boss.
9" faceplate.
As already mentioned, the register clearance varies from 0.0005" to 0.020", and the tightest one is hardest to fit.
The toolmex and the 5" PB's also fit on the rotary table without their backplates fitted.