An arbor marked 2J6 would normally be assumed to be a J6 on the end that goes into the chuck and MT 2 on the other. Readily obtained for £ not too silly from all the usual suspects.
Taper mounted chucks can be removed from the arbor fairly easily. Proper tool is a brace of extractor wedges but drilling a hole in the back of the chuck from the inside so you can get a parallel punch in to knock it off works just fine. Hole size is whatever will take your punch, within reason. I use a 5/16 hole 'cos when I first did it the most suitable pin punch in my (then) small collection was 1/4" and I've stuck with what works ever since.
My habit has been to so drill new chucks before fitting so I can shift them easily if need be. I also believe that having a hole at the end lets the air out as the taper goes home giving a more secure hold.
I fit chucks by initially carefully cleaning both arbor and chuck then sliding them gently together so that theya re aligned. To get the proper fit I hold the arbor vertically, chuck uppermost, and sharply rap the tang end of the arbor on something solid a couple of times. The momentum of the chuck drives it on firmly. Done right it won't fall off. Actually it will be a total PIA to shift, last new pair I did needed my 12+ ton hydraulic press to separate when I wished to change the arbor from MT2 to MT3.
Everything self aligns with no risk of pushing it together skew-wiff as can happen if using a press or vice. Pressing in a vice as some may suggest is just to dangerous in my eyes as its almost impossible to get dead nuts aligment and bench vices are designed with considerable float in the jaws so they can adapt to thngs that are less than parallel.
My rapping block is a piece of steel about 2 inches thick by areound 5 inches nearly square. There is a U shape cut out about 1 inch diameter by perhaps 1 1/4 inches long halfway down one side. Nothing magic about the numbers but its very handy to have something with decent mass and the inherent inetrial solidity for rapping things on or punching things apart.
Edited By Clive Foster on 26/11/2022 16:05:53