Posted by Andy H
In the search for a replacement chuck for my small lathe (a Flexispeed Mk 2)
I am currently considering Chronos options.
I wonder if anyone has any first hand experience
(including like/avoid views) of the following two chucks?
NEW- 50mm 3 Jaw Chuck ON A 2 MT or
Soba 70mm 3 Jaw Scroll Chuck 14 x 1mm Thread
I have 2 off 50 mm three jaw chucks and 1 4 jaw
52 mm self centering chuck ,all three are quite well made
and good value ,the 2 three jaw chucks mounted on their
arbors center to within a couple of tenths , look here at the
photo the fit between the jaws when they are closed
all three are the same.
This 80 mm 4 jaw independent chuck seen here also a Soba
chuck from Chronos is very well made.