As I posted above ~~~ rust spots in the wash basin whether it's acrylic, s/steel or a Belfast are easily removed by painting the surface with a rust remover. Jenolite is very good but the gel ones take a bit longer to destroy the tiny particles of rust. Either way, it avoids domestic strife if the "painting" is done before retiring for the night but remembering to gain 1st access next morning in order to flush the basin before SWMBO sees it.
When boring out 3, 5" cylinders of Meehanite over several evenings, I incurred some interrogation about the "black deposits all over your pillow". Said deposits were due to carbon particles from the iron in my hair. Wearing a head covering whilst at the lathe or being bald should avoid that issue (showering afore bed may not be advisable because of the first problem i.e. rust spots in the shower tray !).