My take on threads like this is not only the potentially dangerous message (to others that don’t have a clue of installing – particularly the ‘suitcase versions) without taking safety precautions or following the industry-accepted guide-lines, but also the total lack of understanding of the technicalities of heater operation
There was no mention of the extra ducting purchased and used. It should have been 90mm diameter. If only 75mm diameter, then the industry guidelines would have been ignored.
The totally ‘woolly ’ comments on output and use were ridiculous, from my stand-point. Here is a typical example from about page three of this thread:
Quote: “In there is all the settings. The low limit for the pump is 0.8Hz. The high limit is 8.0Hz. Then there is min & max fan speed etc. Even the 12/24v selection. So i turned my low down to 0.8HZ & raised the upper to 5.8Hz . No need really for the upper but for me the low will be better as last night even on the lowest setting my room temp kept rising.” Unquote
Yes, those settings are available with that particular heater – but not all,by a long way – and ‘fiddling’ with these settings is a clear demonstration of ineptitude on the part of the user. Inaccuracies in videos is common-place and believed (and often copied), by those that don’t know any better.
Which settings were actually used during that last sentece of the qote? 0.8Hz or 1.4Hz? I am interested to know the truth and not have to guess – as the video and the quote may not be the same…. ….Later, I believe, the lowest running setting was referred to as 1.4Hz (the usual minimum setting). So was the 0.8Hz setting changed back, claim redacted? We don’t know whether this is a simple oversight or glossed over (and hopefully not noticed by the readership?).
Fuel usage is yet another area of ridiculous claims by many with these heaters. 1.4Hz was quoted as more than sufficient to maintain a good working temperature in that particular workshop under those particular conditions – and the figure of 0.25l/h was quoted/guessed/estimated/claimed/whatever (even as much as 1.5l over a 4 hour period as being ‘good economy’. Complete tosh, of course, to those that know, but totally inaccurate (by more than 100%) to those that don’t. Over-estimating is just as misleading as under-estimating, in my book.
If the basic facts/truths cannot be provided, it makes one wonder how many other mistakes there are in the videos/write-ups/etc.
If those fuel-usage figures, quoted, are anywhere near the truth, then there must be some great deviation within the machines (wrt specified parameters). Like I often say, you should not believe everything you see and read, on the internet, as gospel. Once you know how inept some of these users are, one might wonder about other aspects – such as other videos posted on other topics. And any other claims they may make.
Would responders perhaps read my post carefully/properly, before commenting. I do happen to know what the answers should be!