Posted by AJAX on 17/02/2021 15:34:10:
Posted by John Haine on 17/02/2021 14:33:32:
The 52v could just be capacitively coupled to a floating heatsink. If it was really unsafe it would be much higher I suspect. The key question is whether you can safely earth reference the control input. Quite a few DC motor speed controllers are designed just for control potentiometers and need an isolator to use with a CNC system for example.
Understood, but that doesn't resolve the problem of an exposed metal heatsink that is in close proximity to mains voltages with no apparent regards to safety. Clearance between the incoming live and heatsink is minimal with no attempt at insulation.
As VFDs are almost always components rather than free-standing consumer items they should be mounted in a protective box. If the box is metal it should be earthed, not the heat sink. Never assume a heat sink should be earthed. Electronics and power distribution are only similar, not identical.
VFDs are in the same class as contactors and other "don't touch" electrical internals. Remove the cover from almost any electrical appliance and there be dragons.
Always possible Ajax's VFD is a genuinely negligent death trap, but I don't find the evidence convincing (yet!). But it's not safe unless properly installed. My lathe's VFD is mounted on a rack inside the headstock behind a screw-secured panel. Even with the panel off, it's difficult to touch the heat-sink because VFD's rear is protected by the enclosure. I'd have to deliberately dismantle the setup to touch the heat-sink.