Hi .
Thanks to Springbok my chineese mill is now safely mounted on its stand and levelled up.
I have some thoughts and obsevations about the chineese gear that may be of interest.
After fitting DRO’S to all 3 axises i decided to have a play with them and to compare the original dials to them .
X & Y both showed .002″ variation per turn of the handle {.0984″} – not too bad but compound this over 2 or 3 inches or more and you are way off the mark !
Then i turned my attention to the Z axis and this was where things got interesting !
I wound on 1/4 turn of down feed on the Quill and zeroed the DRO and the machine dial .
I wound on 1 full turn = 2.5mm or .0984 thou .
.0975 was the reading on the DRO so i decided to zero it and wind on another full turn this time i got .104 thou so i set up a dial indicator to see what exactly was going on .
The DRO was correct to within .005″ but why the sudden jump from .0975 to .104 thou ?
The only thing i can think of is the rack gear on the quill is out of whack as each consecutive turn yielded a different reading but the DRO and Dial gauge coincided with each other every time .
I don’t know why the Chineese manufacturers don’t just fit DRO’S in the factory and save the hassle of dials !
I also decided to look at a bigger lathe but one thing that realy annoys me is the lack of cross slide dovetails on Chineese gear .
Most of these lathes don’t even have enough thickness on the cross slide to machine dovetails in them and considering the flimsyness of these machines a rear toolpost for parting off is a must !
One machine had the cross slide stepped down behind the toolpost so they could up-spec the swing over the saddle !
I would rather lose the swing to keep the dovetails !