You have to admire the raw courage of the Russians and Ukrainians who manually heaved Lead and Cement into the burst reactor walls, and those who sealed the missing roof by dropping material inside from helicopters. Hovering in the smoke from an unshielded melt-down is seriously dangerous.
The number of deaths resulting from the incident is unclear. At first the Soviets only admitted 2 during the actual incident, but that rose to 31 after a few months. A total of between 49 and 54 direct fatalities is more likely. Since then between 4000 and 63000 people may have died prematurely due to the accident. (Quite hard to link cause and effect at individual level, it's done by looking for unnatural bumps in the statistics. ) Whatever it is the death toll is still rising : 600,000 people volunteered to help with the clean-up and a proportion of them will die early too, plus those unlucky enough to be under the plume as it travelled across Europe. Less risky the further away you are, but some people are likely to be effected.
Long term radiation doesn't seem to be well understood. One school of thought thinks there's an exposure level below which we are safe, others think all radiation is dangerous. Experience of accidental exposures and Japanese A-bomb victims suggests there is a safe level across a population, but that's confounded by many examples of individuals made ill by low doses. The wild-life around Chernobyl is booming which suggests people are more dangerous to animals than radioactivity.
Just glad I've never been called on to prove my courage by that kind of disaster.