Posted by Steviegtr on 28/04/2022 02:46:45:
Tip of the week is , you should have saved more when you were working . That way you could could visit car booties instead of planting potatoes & try to belittle others of greater intelect than you have.
I know i am fortunate to be able to do thing others , can not do due to financial constraints,
Steve, your opening point was that it doesn't cost much to populate your workshop if you buy at boot sales. Here you seem to be saying going to boot sales is only for the financially fortunate.
Jason's two points came across as sober observations to me, and he even sugar coated the second slightly with an emoji to atone for his trademark laconism. I'm not sure you're correct either in saying he "never shows his mug".
On the subject of disrespect, it's not very respectful to sneer at others' perceived impecuniousness or to effectively claim, as you have done, to have a greater intellect than others have.
For the record, I enjoy, and derive benefit from, watching both your and Jason's videos.
Edited By Bill Phinn on 28/04/2022 17:45:38