I recently mentioned getting an SSD from santa but I've also been trying to speedy things up without too much outlay because there is a lot of good older kit out there and my board/chip was falling behind
I use my computer as a workhorse and even when I'm messing on the netty I like to have it doing work, mainly OCR work for old PDFs which is very processor intensive
I tend to go for the "previous generation" of kit because just like cars, the bugs are all ironed out and you tend to get a reliable and cost effective deal
I like intel stuff, it tends to be more reliable for me, I do push things sometimes and I got less crashing if I didn't mix my bits up
Well after much research I have settled on a DG35EC board(4gig RAM) and an E8500 intel chip. 40 quid and 10 quid respectively
This gives you around 50-60% of single core performance of the newer high end i3 i5 i7 kit which costs hundreds
For those who like to overclock I have it running at 3.8ghz which gives me around 70% of the single core performance of an i7 unit, which for a tenner can't be sneezed at
The overclocking software is setfsb.exe and you use the setting for the CY28551LFXC timing chip from the drop down menu, increasing your FSB from 333 to 399 Mhz
To keep an eye on my cores I dloaded realtemp.exe to keep an eye on things and my temperature range is 30-50 degrees with a vapochill cooler.
The stock cooler did 35 to 60 degrees and the voltage is around 0.9V and everything seems to run nice and stable
I opted for the dual core stuff over quad core stuff and xeon bits because the dual core only draws 65 watts, higher end processors can draw a lot of watts when they get pushed and I don't like hot setups, some of my work has the pooter running flat out for weeks at a time