I take your point with regards the precision of a ballscrew compared to a rolled threaded rod from a manufacturing point of view, but am struggling with how the ballscrew provides the same or better resolution.
Assuming a standard stepper motor with 200 steps per revolution, 1/16 uStep and a gear ratio of 1:1 (direct coupled)
For an M5 threaded rod (0.8mm pitch) you have 4000 steps/mm
For an Acme 1/4-16 (1.5875mm pitch) you have 2015.75 steps/mm
A Stepstick A4988 can do 1/16 uStep and currently costs £1.00 or less on Ebay, unless you are looking at 1/32 or better uStep which will cost much much more, you are not going to beat the threaded rod for resolution.
On my Prusa i3 clone I built from a set of printed parts I have M5 threaded rod with pvc tube as a coupling and have no issues with resolution and have only twice had issues with the coupling coming loose – I have had more issues with the original printed parts failing and needing to be replaced with items that have more infill.
Edited By Zebethyal on 15/11/2018 14:09:42