I have to say that I don’t like it, although fortunately I’m at an age where it is unlikely to have much effect on my life. Nevertheless, it seems to be straying into the realms of certain science fiction films, eg Logan’s Run and one other I have a vague memory of where computers did everything.
My experience so far of attempts to computerise everything are not particularly good. For example, problems caused by using American (where else?) designed software which does not cater for us in the UK and causes such problems such as having to enter dates in what to me is an alien way, eg “mmm dd yyyy”, rather than “dd mmm yyy”. I also have bad memories of attempting to use software which demanded that I give them a mobile phone number, and locked up when one was not forthcoming. Now I know that these are relatively minor in the great scheme of things, but I wonder just how good, and how accurate, all this ChatGPT is?
I also have in mind all those ideas of recent years that have caused problems, eg, the “smart” tv’s that listened to, and videoed what was going on even when supposedly switched off; laptops with built-in cameras leading to teenage girls covering up the camera port just to ensure that they were not being photographed. And as I write this, I am thinking of the device named Portal which was bought for us by our elder son. Very clever it is, good video, good sound, ability to contact people for free etc. But, and it’s a big but, the camera is always on, so if you happen to wander about in a state of undress, it can capture you, not a good idea in my opinion!
Then there is the computerisation of cars. Ok, it does allow the vehicle to work more reliably, more efficiently, more safely, all good things, but what next? Some twerp in a centrally heated building a few hundred miles away deciding unilaterally that the weather conditions are too bad to allow driving so prevents all vehicles from being started/used? Some of you may think I’m over-dramatising it, but the plain fact is that it has already been proposed that as from a specific date all vehicles would have to incorporate the ability for the vehicles speed to be controlled remotely. I have to say that I don’t know what the latest is on this subject, but I would not be at all surprised to find that plans are still being looked at.
I know that I am railing against the future here, and that it will come, but really, do we need this? Where’s the fun in asking a machine to do something for us, and I’m thinking of the recent case where a driver used AI to appeal against a fine, when we could do it ourselves and probably learn something as a by-product.
I would also like to state that I am not against computerisation per se, indeed producing this response shows that I can and do use IT. I also use, in a minor way to be true, other IT programs, and equipment, eg a camera which can do the thinking for me, but is still under my control. And that I think is what may be missing, an individual's control of the system.
Tootle pip,
Peter G. Shaw