Posted by John Alexander Stewart on 07/01/2013 23:50:14:
Just a FYI, my order for drawings went through 09/03/2012 – and it has the rev3 of that above mentioned drawing – updated by you in 2009.
Also found that there was a "rev4" on the line below the "rev3" number on the frame drawing.
Apologies – the drawings were rolled and *really* wanted to curl up. Trying for days to get them to lie flat and put them in order, when I noted the "rev4" (also, am used to the digital age, where there would be only one revision number!)
The slide shaft error was still there, not sure how old the "rev4" drawing was – but it must pre-date Nick's December '09 update, as his "rev5" was sent to Polly then.
This is just "info" – I think Nick has done a great job with very few noted errors (golden compared to others before him) and thank Polly for being the supplier – I just want others who may be in my shoes of purchasing drawings to note that they may possibly be years behind updates supplied by the author.
Another JohnS.