I think whatever the rules and variations are, Moderators will always have an impossible task. Complaints about how the web site works, why is the method of attaching photo's is 'draconian', etc, abound, but no one is prepared to step up with the money, time and effort to fund it and try to do better…Life in general is making the best of a varied set of compromises. If you really feel you have been done by, with your post being 'unfairly' deleted, take it up in a PM with the moderators, but generally things work OK, no?
I do however think the guidelines leave the slightly finer points open to confused interpretation sometimes. I understand the issue of competitive advertising , and even non-competitive direct advertising, but does that not preclude many a useful set of information to modellers from being aired?
For example, in 2017 I posted my experiences in procuring a set of MULTIFIX tool holders, and associated KOMET cutting tips – I think that info would still be of good value to fellow modellers, but would that now be precluded under the present setup?
I am subsequently reluctant to add the reference to my postings ( you can find it if you dig yourself, I guess) but Jason maybe you could provide some guidance on this? Not moaning, just trying to calibrate my understanding of the rules!