Hello All,
Sorry I hadn't picked up that these issues were ongoing.
Also, as I'm about 190 miles from the office, I can't just nip over to someone's desk and ask to be shown how the new system works.
I do know that our 'Subscriptions Exec' left at the end of this week and this week the Subs Manager is training up the new exec. This doesn't affect the subs bureau, but does affect our capacity for 'troubleshooting'.
The email address for subs support is help@me.secureorder.co.uk
I can't comment how to renew as I (as you might expect!) don't pay for MEW and have a DD for ME, so I don't get any renewal options.
It's best to send an email to neil.wyatt@mytimemedia.com
As a minimum I can forward your email to someone who will sort things out for you, but I need as much detail as possible.
I will ask for this thread to be looked at by in-house staff, but I know this is unlikely to happen before Monday because of staff holidays.
In the meantime, anyone with unresolved issues please email me with as much detail as possible.