First off i'm a relative newbe to CNC with only 2 – 3 years experience having had absolutely no experience of CAD CAM and CNC etc prior to this and was pretty computer illiterate apart from surfing the web etc.
But yes , i have been running a small cnc lathe on a Centroid Acorn for about a year.
Prior to this I was using a good quality ethernet motion controller and Mach3 Turn.
The Acorn and CNC12 software are a joy to use compared to Mach3 Turn which i found somewhat unpredictable and some features such as CSS i never managed to get to work with Mach3 Turn all work fine with the Acorn ( i think Mach3 Mill is probably much better than Mach3 turn)
I wasn't keen on the Forum based info resource that Centroid use at first but it has proved very useful and when i have had issues the people at Centroid and other users have been very quick and helpful to reply to any of my queries.
My one reservation with the Acorn is you are somewhat buying into their product line , if you want to expand I/O , use an MPG , digitizing software etc you are tied to Centroid products (although i'm sure if you where sufficiently technically minded you could get round this ) ,
I have a friend who uses Linux cnc and this is relatively cheap even with Mesa cards , very powerful and hugely adaptable . But i'm simply not computer techie or interested enough to want to learn , i wanted my lathe to run reliably as quickly and as simply as possible so i could get on with making parts.
Overall i'm happy enough with the Acorn to have bought a second one to fit to a Mill conversion i am doing when i get the time.