The "traditional" Lucas type of coil is readily available on Ebay, but size-wise would look rather obtrusive.
Also cheaply available are motor cycle coils such as here. I have no experience of this type. Do they work with points and therefore be suitable for my purpose ?
Clive, have you looked at the Lucas 4V coils used on the Triumph / BSA triples (3 x 4V = 12V!) in the late 60's? they are quite small.
The coil shown by your link is for a Yamaha 80 and I suspect it is a CDI type coil, note the single LT tab. CD ignition characteristics are infinitely different to Inductive (or Hall Effect) ignition. My old boss at Lucas described it as 'forked lightening as compared to Sheet lightening' – an excellent analogy! If it is a CDI type coil it will need to be run in conjunction with a transformer to give it a ~400V primary charge.
"Do you really want the world to know you had a Lambretta?"
That made my morning! Spat my Shredded Wheet all over the place!!