Afew years ago i had a job to repair a pallet wrapping station which had a u section steel section bent into a large circle about 5ft dia on the floor ….into the section was a hard rubber which after 20 years was starting to deteriate so when the bearings holding the 7 ft dia disc floor were running on this rubber track it was vibrating like mad. particullary when a 1 tonne pallet was being wrapped
i chiselled all the old rubber compound out and filled it with a 2 part Polycraft DuroFlex 85 Polyurethane Liquid Casting Rubber which i got from MB fibreglass
it cured a treat and after 3 years now of daily use its still perfect
a new part from the maker was in excess of 2k so my £60 of rubber did an excellent repair
MB do allsorts of compounds