Posted by DC31k on 21/05/2019 20:41:17:
Posted by Brian Wood on 21/05/2019 18:06:08:
Doing the maths, 135/127 = 1.06299 where 68/64 = 1.0625. There isn't another choice available either I'm afraid
There are in fact three other choices available that give better approximations than 17/16 (or its multiples). 84/79, 101/95 and 118/111.
While none of these are common gears, to say that nothing else is available is not correct.
In any discussion of change gears, the many continued fraction calculators available online for free are an invaluable resource.
You are of course quite right, I was being a bit economical with the truth, but in my defense I would suggest that for most joining threads or short couplings of say 25 mm in length, the 17/16 approximation and it's multiples, will make quite adequate joints with tolerable errors, and from wheels of sensible sizes.
The alternative combinations all include awkward primes and the last at 118/111 is perhaps a lot of work to make, you might just as well go the whole hog at that stage for 135/127
I'm sorry to have misled people
Regards Brian
Edited By Brian Wood on 22/05/2019 09:01:14