22 July 2024 at 06:40 Hopper Said:
Who knew that welding fumes have been listed …
I knew that welding fumes were not good for you but not that they were this bad. Has this issue been raised in the UK?
And speaking of silica, watch out for those kitchen counter tops if doing any renovation work….
Amazing if news that welding fumes are dangerous had only just reached Australia, but I think the risks are as well-understood there as anyone else. Or at least by anyone who has researched the subject. Lots of welding in the Cutting Edge Australia videos, and Kurtis takes suitable precautions, including wearing a hose ventilated helmet.
The problem of course, is that Australia has noticed many paid welders haven’t been trained, and a fair proportion of them weld for hours, day after day, in confined spaces, all factors that massively increase the risk. In contrast, the short well-spaced exposures to welding fumes experienced by amateurs are unlikely to cause trouble, assuming no-one is foolish enough to weld a Galvanised bucket. Or Cadmium plated steel. A quote from Hopper’s first link: “Professor Slevin said it was important to note that just because someone welded, it did not mean they were going to become sick.”
What should a government do about health damage caused by Slack Alice employers and employees? Should they accept that tax-payers will pick up the bill when people are made ill, or should they act to mitigate the problem with the tools available to them: anything from circulating a few safety pamphlets, to making processes and materials illegal, or installing a stiff regulatory regime with certificates, inspectors, big-fines, and court cases. Or warn citizens that they will have to pay their own medical bills, even if their employer profited by cost-cutting health and safety.
Nothing particular special about Australia noticing welding might be a problem. All countries have episodes in which they suddenly realise some example of large-scale bad practice needs attention. Like Brits finding their tasty beefy ready-meals contained horse-meat contaminated by equine steroids and antibiotics!