What is leaking through the joint?
Gas, or coolant?
If Gas, the ideal joint might be some copper shim folded over, but difficult to make as washer, or the irregular shape around the valves.
You could try bending some solder (Will probably have to be cored, unless you can get some SMALL diameter uncored ) that can be formed to shape and use as a Wills ring. The ends will need to butt together or slightly overlap.
It might be worth carrying out a trial to see what thickness results after tightening down. A thick joint will reduce compression ratio, not that it is likely to be high, so a small loss could be a big percentage change.
A little more torque on the fixings, equally distributed, MAY cure the leak.
You may need to retorque the head after a little running, as everything settles.
Depends on how many head studs you have, but if only four, or even six, be wary of over tightening. You could worsen a blow rather than cure it, if the head flexes.
A screw thread, even a relatively small one, can apply a surprisingly large force!
(I have seen this happen with a substantial cast iron head clamped by six 9/16 UNF bolts! )