I had a rummage about in the box of toolbits and dug out this one which used to be kept in my apron at school so that I always had a half decent tool rather than the abused ones that were usually stuck in the toolposts. I gave it a quick rub on the top, end and side with a small diamond slip and took a cut.
First 5mm are with a sharp corner, next 5mm with the corner slightly rounded with the diamond slip. Speed 1000rpm, 16mm dia, 0.005" (0.13mm) Depth of cut, feed 0.0025" (0.06mm) / rev. No slides locked. You can see that the first cut gives a constant satin finish and the cut with the rounded corner a brighter more polished finish. Click for larger images

View of tool from above, end and side are a few degrees less than 90

From the side facing the chuck, you can see this actually has a few degrees of negative top rake (points down towards work)

View of the end, the slightly brighter areas are where the diamond slip has made contact, the darker is where the slight concave face from the grinder has not been touched. Important what stoning a tool that you do not get convex faces as they will rub (except the rounded corner)

Quick swap to a more rounded tool did not make a lot of difference.

Edited By JasonB on 14/07/2021 18:35:02
Edited By JasonB on 14/07/2021 18:35:50