Can view MEW online but cant download for offline viewing


Can view MEW online but cant download for offline viewing

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines Can view MEW online but cant download for offline viewing

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  • #279814
    Wayne Salisbury

      After doing many circles I can now see my first MEW digital subscription.

      What I need to do is download my Mags to read offline. My internet connection is the worst and cant be resolved anytime soon.

      I cant make any sense of the Pocketmags website to get my digital download and the pocket icon does nothing of any use.

      Three emails so far requesting help from ME and Pocketmags but no response from anyone.

      Without the digital downloads I have wasted my money


      Wayne Salisbury
        Neil Wyatt

          Hello Wayne,

          We've now exchanged numerous emails, and I hope you are now sorted. This answer is really for the benefit of anyone else with a similar query:

          Subscriptions start with the next issue, which can mean new subscribers have a wait before they can download.

          Anyone with in this situation can get their start date 'backdated' to cover earlier issues if they contact with details. You can also view the archive online – 'magazines' on the green bar above – if you enter your 10-digit subscriber number in your profile.

          If you want to manage a subscription online, including changing your address you need to create a new account here:


          Please note that the secureorder site does NOT use the password for the forum, you have to create a new one as the two websites are separate for security reasons. Also changing address details in your forum profile does NOT redirect your magazine for the same reason.


          Edited By Neil Wyatt on 24/01/2017 12:53:58

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