As I have repeatedly commented on this forum:
Loctite 638 [*] works by hardening to a material not unlike Perspex … which fills the voids between the two surfaces and then then acts in shear.
[ it is not a particularly good adhesive, and has quite low peel-strength ]
The exact mechanics of a particular joint will vary, but : provided that the 638 cures, the presence of a rough surface is no great detriment … the ‘balls’ of resin are in compression when the joint is loaded.
If you can get clean metal surfaces [albeit with some pitting] on both components, and a sliding fit … I predict that 338 would work nicely.
A wipe over with Copper Sulphate solution, allowed to dry before assembly, would provide a useful catalyst to accelerate curing.
[*] at least in the original formula, which is the only one I have used
I have assumed that the 6mm plate will be evenly loaded, not subjected to localised point loads that might peel the joint.
Edited By Michael Gilligan on 31/03/2021 09:42:09