Posted by Alan Wood 4 on 04/01/2021 09:58:44:
I own a Tormach so I enjoy the pleasures and luxury of using PathPilot. It is a clean easy to use interface and the various tabs for conversational routines, probing and tool table etc are very professional.
I visited IMTS a few years ago and had been tasked by a friend to look out for CNC control software. As a result of my searching on his behalf I spent a very enjoyable few hours on the Acorn stand/booth. A really nice bunch of guys and what looked like an impressive product. I was so impressed I asked if they could sell a board and licence off the stand at the show to take home to the UK for my colleague to use. They said sadly no but if I came back the following day they would see what they could do. Next day I duly turned up and received a controller board that had been hand carried overnight by one of their factory team. Speaks volumes about their attitude to customer support.
Finally for those frustrated by the Mach3 visual presentation, have a look at Physics Anonymous YouTube videos SO3E13 and 14. This is as close to a professional layout for Mach3 that I have seen. It is not totally bug free but an update is promised. I have a small CNCEST mill that now uses this interface and I tend to forget I am using Mach3.
Just an example how life can chase you around the block!
I JUST got LinuxCNC working, with 3 (XYZ) MPG's on each axis, etc, on my Router. I had MACH3 on that router for 13 years…Put another hard drive into its PC, made it the boot drive, loaded LinuxCNC and spent 4DAYS(!!) really mucking about trying to configure the HAL files to setup LinuxCNC to use the Router as configured. Eventually got it working nicely – -with 2 parallel ports! Just plug the 2 cables from the Router ( as they were) into the original ports on the 'MACH3' PC, boot Linuxcnc and the router works as it used to….Nice…
But there are some disturbing issues with LCNC. A major issue for me is the inability to halt a machining cycle, and continue from where left off – not a pause, but halt – For example, you break a tool, and stop the machine, jog the z axis up to safety, change to a new preset tool, and want to carry on – cannot in LCNC! In MACH3 I can STOP, jog any axiz, change a tool, and then select a G-code line I want to start from – say 3 or 4 prior to the tool-break, and select 'Run from Here' – To preserve modality, MACH3 starts at the file beginning, runs through fast , sets up, and at the select line carries on the job…
I know you are not suppose to break tools, but I do a lot of PCB engraving – the carbide cutter is a 10deg cutter with a really fine tip and it easily nicks, causing bad burrs during engraving..
I'm afraid, unless there is a fix for this in Linuxcnc, that's it for me!
And then you come along with that really nice MACH screen set – that is very good indeed!
The LinuxCNC screen is also so passé…
Not sure I will go back to MACH, but I believe the Centroid ACORN and PlanetCNC boards and software are now definitely a better option!
The CNC Lathe C Axis still haunts, though..
How does PathPilot handle tool breakage on the Tormach?