Caliper repair


Caliper repair

Home Forums Workshop Tools and Tooling Caliper repair

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  • #634337
    Allan Webster

      Attached is a photo of a Dial Caliper that was given to me some time ago minus the lens and with a very dirty face as a result of having been used without a lens. Careful cleaning made it usable (further cleaning threatened to remove surface) before a search for a lens started. Availability, cost the have it fitted etc prompted me to make one. A piece of material clamped between two spoons and immersed in hot water and allowed to cool gave me the right curvature the difficult part was chamfering the edge.dial caliper.jpg

      Allan Webster

        Dial caliper repair

        old mart

          Assuming that the jaws are closed, the zero can be reset without removing the glass pointer. The pointer spindle is spring loaded against the rack and with a suitable fine probe, you can get it to jump some teeth much closer to vertical. They used to include the little tool with new calipers.


            Get a paper clip, straighten one leg of it and hammer it flat and you have a zero resetting tool. Open calliper to about 1” position and slide tool along top of rack until it engages with dial pinion and re set to zero. A bit of practice is required, you will make it worse before you get it where you want it, I certainly did!

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