I've been puzzling over the feed rates when drilling with a CNC. I found this table, but it doesn't link to material type. How do I calculate feed rates when drilling?
A specific would be drilling 3mm holes in EN3 square bar as opposed to drilling 3mm holes in aluminium. How do I go about calculating the feedrate in those different materials. If I use that data, then I get to 150mm/minute in mild steel – is that about right?
Recommended Feeds of Various Diameter Drills
Diameter of Drill – Inches Feed Inches per Revolution
Under 1/8 001 to .003
1/8 to 1/4 .002 to .006
1/4 to 1/2 .004 to .010
1/2 to 1 inch .007 to .015
Edited By Steve Withnell on 18/07/2020 17:07:42