CAD – Target Enigma


CAD – Target Enigma

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      I’ve long hankered to own a WW2 Enigma cipher machine, but they are extremely rare and expensive.

      Building a replica isn’t completely impossible, though as far as I know there are no detailed plans.  A moderately complicated device, and I don’t have the time. I have few books explaining how Enigma works electrically and mechanically, but few good pictures showing what’s inside.   So this will be a free-lance exploration with lots of guesswork and design decisions. I won’t be doing the huge amount of research Cherry Hill put into her models before making them.

      I think I can reverse engineer something like an Enigma in 3D-CAD and maybe 3D print most of it in plastic, suitably reinforced with metal.

      My preferred CAD tool is SolidEdge Community Edition.  It supports create part in place, whereby new parts are added to existing ones.  After modelling a wheel, the axle is developed on position from it, and then the chassis from the axle.

      Typical photo off the web.


      First design decision was where to start, and I began with a mistake!  Started with a rotor wheel, roughly half-scale, using next photo as inspiration:


      and this drawing:


      The web shows several Enigma variations existed, so lots of guesswork ahead, and my effort may not be like any of them.  This is my first attempt, about 5 hours work yesterday. A 26 toothed ratchet wheel missing, and I’m not sure how rotors 2 and 3 are turned over.



      Began by modelling the Aluminium thumb wheel which is the main part of the rotor.   It determines the size of all the other components, all of which are modelled as an Assembly from this component.  When I eventually got to the brass electrical contact pins, of which 208 are needed, the head is only ⌀1.8mm with an M1 threaded shaft.  A watchmaking size, and my WM280 doesn’t make producing tiny things easy!  Can be done, but this shrieks ‘production problem’, so I’m tempted to double the scale.   With luck SE has a tool that scales all the parts in an assembly with one click.  Bet it doesn’t, I’m expecting to find that all the parts have to be scaled individually and re-assembled!   Another mistake, the alphabet ring is too wide, and I’ve put it’s spring lock on the wrong side.  Also need to change some internal pillars to make more room inside the wiring chamber.

      3D-CAD helps find design blunders without cutting metal.   Physically making a rotor only to find it’s wrong must hurt.

      A few negatives about SE.  Adding A to Z lettering to the curved alphabet wheel is long-winded and all eagle-eyed inspectors will have noticed the B is a mirror image.  Flipping it was too difficult yesterday, so another baffled learner session needed.  Would be handy if SE could change several parts in an assembly with one operation in situ, like sharpening a pencil, but, apart from the hole tool, I’ve not found a way, so more work!   SE allows complex features to be copied, but all the faces have to be selected.   How to edit a repeated complex feature later on took time to understand – not done as I expected.

      Have an hour to do add the pawl gear now, maybe, more.  Will report again if I make progress.








        Can  you not wrap ABCD………….XYZ as a single strip onto the curved surface? May need doing to a smooth surface before you cut the shallow slots



          Or if engraved

          wrap 2

          Though it looks like the letters are flush with teh cylindrical surface and have the square background engraved to depth

            On JasonB Said:

            Can  you not wrap ABCD………….XYZ as a single strip onto the curved surface? May need doing to a smooth surface before you cut the shallow slots


            Good idea, I’ll experiment.  Yesterday I couldn’t see how to type in a vertical strip, and now think I was being dim.

            Here’s the result: SE produces the vertical strip, but in the wrong plane.   Hope Nigel is reading this, because when I tried to rotate the text box, the model went wild!   On the right track, I feel, except I’m doing something wrong, maybe selecting too much.



            I’ll come back to it later.

            Thanks for the advice,



              Aha, the problem is selecting the text directly on screen opens SE’s text reposition tool which doesn’t do rotate, why not I wonder?  But if the sketch is selected from the pathfinder tree, the SE wheel tool opens instead, and it does rotate and more.


              That done the project sketch tool still won’t select the curve though.  I bet money it’s because the curve has been segmented as Jason says.   So this has to be done in the right order.  Project letters first, then emboss/engrave them, then add the segments.  Have to change the alphabet ring because it’s too wide and will apply both changes when I get to back to it.

              Many thanks,


              Nigel Graham 2

                Interesting project!

                Printing the rotors might even be partly prototypical if the original cores were phenolic-resin (as in’Bakelite’) castings for insulation purposes. I don’t know if they were.

                Have you read David Kahn’s Seizing The Enigma, which details the history as well as the principles and operation of the machines, originally invented for secure commercial communications?

                Ian P

                  If you are thinking of printing the wheels there are some filaments that when printed are look quite metallic but presumably non conductive.

                  As regards the multiple contacts needed, there are lost of ready made sprung and not sprung test probes like these, (lots of other sources incl Mr Ali)


                  The volunteers at Bletchley are very helpful and some extremely knowledgeable, A long way from your location though.

                  Ian P


                    Good idea Ian – a lesson learned is that where to start needs thought.  Great minds think alike, because whilst tweaking the too short pins it struck me they have to be sprung.  A commercial product is an excellent suggestion, so I should find what’s available, model one, and dimension the rest around it.

                    Bit of a struggle to make some of the changes, the pawl gear was an unexpected pig, but I now I have a defined rotor assembly model, with 3 of them in a line on an axle assembly.  Apart from their axial alignment with the axle, no other mates/joints have been set so nowhere near realistic yet.

                    More fog!  I think only the ratchet on the first rotor is pushed when a key is pressed, and the others simply engage with spring loaded pawls to keep the rotor aligned, but allow it to ratchet round if turned hard enough.   The operator turned them manually to set the cipher key,  but then they were moved one step each time their rightmost neighbour completed a revolution.  No idea what the automatic stepping mechanism looks like.  More work!

                    Good suggestion from Nigel about reading material.  I’ve read David Kahn’s books and think I’m going to have to do so again.  As I remember, good description of the principles, but not the mechanical detail I crave.   I know pressing a key first disconnects that key’s light bulb, before connecting to battery plus, so causing current to flow through the rotors to light up the another letter’s bulb.  But the key also turns the ratchet gear through a mechanical linkage.   Again, I don’t know how.  Simpler than a typewriter I hope.

                    Another practical worry; I’ve modelled the rotors as having a 6.00mm diameter hole through which a 6.00mm shaft passes.  Far too tight for a 3D printed build, and OTT if I make it in metal.  I ought to look at how SE manages tolerances.

                    Bedtime – tiring work!









                      Correct, the wheels operate like a regular counter. The right wheel move one position per key, and advances the next wheel one position per round.

                      Speedy Builder5

                        Interesting keyboard layout – not enough room for “P” on the top row and added bottom Left row instead!


                        John Haine

                          Dave, wasn’t SMEE involved making replica parts at one stage? Maybe ask over on their site?

                          noel shelley

                            I take it you are making a copy of the army version as opposed to the later naval model with 4 rotors that caused much trouble in decryption in 1942 when introduced ? Sadly none of the books I have read on the Enigma machine have given much info on the construction that would be much help to anybody trying to make one. Good Luck. Noel.


                              What’s keeping you Dave. All done here😉😉




                                Bad day here.  First lost a post this morning acknowledging advice.  Then wasted most of the afternoon trying to put letters on the alphabet ring, an unsatisfactory tale of woe.

                                I did manage to sort out the brown wiring cage and add a brass washer, but the rotor assemby is poorly at the moment, not exploding properly…





                                Nigel Graham 2

                                  Just a thought… If the problem of sinking or embossing the letters is due to the surface being cylindrical of quite small radius, could it be solved by facetting the cylinder so the characters are on / in flats, without compromising the appearance unduly?

                                  Twenty-six letters in the alphabet but I don’t know if the wheels also have the digits or any other non-alphabetic point such as a space. Letters alone give approx 13.85º per facet, which might be noticeable. Your image of the three rotors with their ratchet-wheels shows a shallow groove between each letter. I don’t know if that was original but it might disguise the artifice a bit.

                                  Khan’s book I cited has some diagrams (pp 338-9) from patent applications and a German naval manual. The first is from inventor Arthus Scherbius’ initial patent in the US for it.

                                  The naval manual diagram is the basic electrical circuit of the Service machine, though how usefully without the accompanying text I would not like to say. It does show five rotors: input, the three rotable ones and the one described as the “reversing rotor” – which appears to send the current back through the others, doubling the cypher effect.

                                    On Nigel Graham 2 Said:

                                    Just a thought… If the problem of sinking or embossing the letters is due to the surface being cylindrical of quite small radius, could it be solved by facetting the cylinder so the characters are on / in flats, without compromising the appearance unduly?

                                    Twenty-six letters in the alphabet but I don’t know if the wheels also have the digits or any other non-alphabetic point such as a space. Letters alone give approx 13.85º per facet, which might be noticeable. Your image of the three rotors with their ratchet-wheels shows a shallow groove between each letter. I don’t know if that was original but it might disguise the artifice a bit.

                                    Faceting is a good idea, and it might come to that.  In theory, ha!, I should be able to position a sketched list of letters A to Z and wrap them around a cylinder.  Once wrapped it should be possible to extrude them up or down into the metal.  Wrapping appears OK, then it goes haywire.  I’d like to fix it if I can, but needs must when the devil drives.  It’s easier to put letters on a flat surface.

                                    I’ve been naughty this evening and added the reflector (brown object on left) and a frame rather than having another go at the letters.  Therapeutic, I can go to bed having got something done.

                                    The picture shows problems with the letters:


                                    They are too big.  I need to calculate the height in mm of 26 letters wrapped round that circumference and correct the sketch.  A-Z only, no numbers, spaces or punctuation.  (Although some original rotors are marked 01 for A, 02 for B etc.  I don’t know why!)

                                    C is missing because extrude says the sketch has errors.   A, B and D look OK, but the cuts aren’t right when zoomed in.  Not good, something is wrong!

                                    You’re right about the grooves between letters.  Although some internet photos show them, I suspect they’re either CAD or for a different machine entirely.  I’ve removed mine.

                                    The doubling back arrangement is interesting because although it scrambles more, which is good, it also means Enigma can’t encode a letter as itself.  A tiny crack in the armour.  One of Bletchley’s cryptographers noticed a long message sent by a unit resting in Italy contained no Ls.   She guessed it was a training message, which, breaking all the rules, consisted only of the letter L.   Seems harmless, but all Bletchley had to do was find the rotor order and settings that allowed that. Any combination that produces an L is wrong, and it enables Bletchley to ignore exclude many millions of key settings.  What Bletchley got from a lazy operator was the daily key allowing them to read the operational messages with very little work.

                                    Although Enigma produces an impressively strong cypher, security was undermined badly when operated incorrectly.


                                    Michael Gilligan

                                      This would appear to be a very handy reference, for the occasional ‘sanity check’


                                      Might be £1.99 well-spent.



                                        Dave: Are you using the emboss feature? Have you tried changing the font or letter size?

                                        duncan webster 1

                                          Another mistake the operators made was to either begin or end (can’t remember which) a lot of messages with heil Hitler. I must admit to not understanding the book on enigma, but I struggle with cryptic crosswords as well


                                            The problem with a facetted face is that you woul dnee dto place each letter individually, which was Daves original gripe about how long it was taking, The wrap is a single operation so much faster.

                                            Faster still would be to download a file off of Grabcad or similar

                                            noel shelley

                                              What about some form of deep etching to put the letters on the rotors ? Just a thought !

                                              The Enigma code WAS for practical purposes unbreakable SO LONG AS YOU STUCK TO THE RULES, fortunately some operators didn’t and the whole thing was compromised. Stealing code books was a good game and saved a lot of work. Then there was Lorenz, that took things to a new level.  Noel.

                                                On Fulmen Said:

                                                Dave: Are you using the emboss feature? Have you tried changing the font or letter size?

                                                Does SE have an emboss feature?

                                                Not tried changing the font, but the size has to be altered to fit around the ring.

                                                Here’s how I’m doing it.

                                                First, a ring produced conventionally:


                                                Then created a vertical A-Z list with the Text Profile tool:


                                                This creates a sketch containing the text:


                                                Wanting to try the Wrap tool, I located the text sketch on the ZX plane:


                                                Then selected the sketch in the Pathfinder list, which opens SE’s wheel tool (allows stuff to be moved and rotated)


                                                Moved the sketch to align it with the ring:


                                                Then used the wrap too, which failed:


                                                Have an idea about what to do about that, but decided to try the Project tool.


                                                This projected the text, but not all is well.  The H is stretched, so it doesn’t maintain text height:


                                                Anyway, used the extrude tool on the projected text.  Only works on one letter at a time, with faulty results:



                                                The ‘A’ cut is of unequal depths.

                                                The ‘B’ won’t cut, but it extrudes out and looks OK

                                                The ‘C’ won’t cut or add, and enters a different mode, and stops.

                                                Feels like SE is confused about which plane it’s in.  Maybe I’ve missed a step and have to tell it to extrude relative to the X-axis.  Somehow!

                                                Had a quick look for internet examples, and haven’t found anything quite like what I’m attempting.

                                                Ideally, I’d just type A-Z and a tool would automagically wrap it round the ring, and the extrude tool would work on all the letters together.   If SE does that, I’ve not found out how.





                                                  Dave, from the error message, is the plane you have the text on positioned 1/2 the dimameter of the ring away from the ctr of the ring so that it is tangent to the edge of the ring.

                                                  Alibre does not need it tangent but wrapping will keep depth or projection above the surfac econstant and all letter heights are the same, you just need to play with font height and line spacing to get them equal around the ring.

                                                  I did the slots after the letters, placing a rectangle between two letters and after a cut extrude did a 26 circle pattern



                                                    Alibre has the two icons top right of the wrap box depending if you want to engrave or have the letters proud


                                                      On JasonB Said:

                                                      Dave, from the error message, is the plane you have the text on positioned 1/2 the dimameter of the ring away from the ctr of the ring so that it is tangent to the edge of the ring.

                                                      It wasn’t but that’s what tried just now. I created a plane tangent to the ring’s outer surface, and put the text on that:


                                                      The wrap step works, or at least looks correct.  SE wrap does not have a built-in emboss/engrave action; after the letters are placed, they’re cut or raised with the Extrude tool. Clunky.   And when I do, the extrude doesn’t work properly, as can be seen below.  All these letters should be cut 1mm deep:



                                                      Alibre does not need it tangent but wrapping will keep depth or projection above the surfac econstant and all letter heights are the same, you just need to play with font height and line spacing to get them equal around the ring.

                                                      Alibre seems to be better at this than SE!

                                                      Reckon about a third of the time spent on the enigma model has been wasted on this problem!


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