Does AutoCAD have an option for exporting the screen as an image (jpg, png or bmp)? If so ‘export’ may have an invert option along with setting the image dimension etc.
If AutoCAD can’t export a bitmap, then use Windows Snip to capture the dial from screen and save it as dial.png.
dial.png can be edited by any image manipulating program, such as Paint, and these usually support colour inversion.
As an example, I created a dial in QCAD to show the steps. The original dial in QCAD looks like this, note the yellow construction circle is converted to black:

I exported the QCAD drawing as a png, which when opened with Explorer on my system appears thus:

Then I used ImageMagick from the command line to negate the image into a new file, dialinv.png
convert dial.png -negate dialinv.png
This is the result in dialinv.png:

The advantage of ImageMagick apart from being free and open-source, is that it can operate on lists of files, which is handy when gazillions of images all need the same treatment – mass production. Such as producing thumbnails of all the pictures in a folder, thousands of them. Downside is having to learn the commands, rather than just pointing and clicking on a GUI. But as can be seen from the example, inverting (aka negating) a single file isn’t difficult.