iPad, iOS 7.1.2
Checked past issues via Newsstand, and decided Issue 217 would be interesting.
I tried my utmost to purchase the digital issue of 217, but instead of the totally hassle free experience of past, I'm now locked out!
Cannot get any further than the Newsstand screen when I click 'Buy', and that only has Store to click on,
I select Store from that screen and I end up in Apple's store.
So do a search for MEW and I'm then on the treadmill of being shunted back to where I started etc etc
If this is another of those effing multi-click 'improvements', that companies/programmers are so fond of, then they need to be shown the door.
MTM have lost a sale, and better sort this out pronto, otherwise I'm done with them!
Edit: Spelling
Edited By OuBallie on 30/07/2014 17:56:44