Buying digital broken!


Buying digital broken!

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      Well I cannot on the iPad now!


        iPad, iOS 7.1.2

        Checked past issues via Newsstand, and decided Issue 217 would be interesting.

        I tried my utmost to purchase the digital issue of 217, but instead of the totally hassle free experience of past, I'm now locked out!

        Cannot get any further than the Newsstand screen when I click 'Buy', and that only has Store to click on,

        I select Store from that screen and I end up in Apple's store.

        So do a search for MEW and I'm then on the treadmill of being shunted back to where I started etc etc

        If this is another of those effing multi-click 'improvements', that companies/programmers are so fond of, then they need to be shown the door.

        MTM have lost a sale, and better sort this out pronto, otherwise I'm done with them!


        Edit: Spelling

        Edited By OuBallie on 30/07/2014 17:56:44


          Sounds to me like a problem with Newsstand rather than MTM related. Have you tried buying via Pocketmags?


            Hello JasonB,

            If it's Newsstand, then MTM should be complaining bitterly to Apple, as they want their pound of flesh on all sales made bis their Store.

            MTM SHOULD have made sure it worked in the first place, and/or had/have an alternative ready just in case.

            Surely not beyond the wit of MTM management?

            Will try Pocketmag, and thanks for the heads-up.

            Geoff – Still in RANT MODE!

            Neil Wyatt

              Hello Geoff,

              I'm not aware that anything has changed.

              Try: **LINK**

              You can buy a paper copy here:



                Thanks JasonB,

                Just done a purchase for a digital version, via Pocketmags' App., and only read Neil's post afterwards.

                Thanks Neil,

                Why can't MTM do the same as Pocketmags? It was just a few clicks, utterly hassle free, as MTM used to be!

                I do much prefer printed copies, so will keep 'myhobbystore' in mind in future.

                Thanks for the link.

                MTM need an App, and NOT rely on the Apple Store anymore.

                Geoff – I've calmed down, I think, but easily started off again right now 😐

                Neil Wyatt

                  Hi Geoff,

                  Be fair now, would you blame MyTimeMedia if your newsagent dropped your paper issue in the bin by mistake!

                  Have some rooibos and breathe deeply…


                  John Stevenson 1

                    I blame Apple, it's a bloody virus like Norton and Adobe.

                    Unless you buy anything off Apple then you jump thru hoops. Best days sport I had was putting my Iphone on the anvil and smacking it with a 7lb lump hammer.

                    Try this: Plug your Ibone into the computer and under file manager click on it and you get an icon for internal storage, click on this and you get your pictures. Where is any kindle books you have ? Not accessible unless you link to Itunes and then try to load a book you haven't bought from Apple.

                    Get an Android phone, connect up, see the same infernal storage, click on that it it opens up to all the folders on the phone. Want to load a book? just drag and drop it on the Kindle Folder, simples, No propriatary software just to see what is yours. Same with music if you use it drag and drop BOTH ways.

                    Posted from an iFree zone.



                      It was a bad day, not helped by the humidity of late that treatment has exacerbated.

                      Agree, my post was somewhat overboard, but the questions still remain though.


                      I agree that using Apple iwhatevers are not always the easiest, but I've got used to their idiosyncrasies.

                      Geoff – I have calmed down.

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