Burnishing tool


Burnishing tool

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    Sonic Escape

      I saw some videos with burnishing tools. They can create a mirror like finish. I would like to have one. Some types are using a ball, others a round diamond or a small wheel. I have these round carbide inserts and I was wondering if they could be used for this. Like a wheel. Or they will break?



        I think the edge will chip if you put sideways pressure on it – it’s easy to chip inserts even touching off the end of a workpiece, ask how etc. <crying face>

        Sonic Escape

          I also chip inserts from time to time. But maybe those inserts are harder. After all they are specified to cut more than 4mm if I remember correctly. Also the round shape should be the strongest. And in the end I don’t have anything better to do with them.

          I’m thinking on a more universal tool. So in case the inserts will not work to be able to replace them with some carbon steel wheel or something else.

          But I find it difficult to make an arbor for them. There is a taper inside the central hole. I don’t have a tool to measure it. And it I suppose it is to short to try to copy it with an indicator. I’m still thinking on this.

          Neil Lickfold

            Polished bearings on a scissor type knurling tool does work.


              Sonic takes us well off the beaten track with this question!  The only way to find out is to try it.

              Although much is made of the brittleness of carbide inserts, modern ones are tough stuff.  Breakages occur with heavy interrupted cutting, which causes high shock loads unlikely to occur in burnishing.

              Most likely cause of failure I feel, is that Sonic’s inserts have a sharp cutting edge on one side.  If this edge comes into contact with the work piece whilst burnishing, it will ruin the job by gouging deep into it.  How likely, or not, it is to gouge depends on the job, how it is held, how the button is applied, and the skill of the operator.

              Burnishing is a finishing operation, suggesting a lot of time already invested in making the part.  Is it wise to risk spoiling it with a repurposed tool?  Not done much burnishing, but in both cases I shaped a proper burnishing tool by grinding and polishing HSS.  Key feature of my home-made burnishers – no sharp edges.


                On SillyOldDuffer Said:

                … ..Although much is made of the brittleness of carbide inserts, modern ones are tough stuff.  Breakages occur with heavy interrupted cutting, which causes high shock loads unlikely to occur in burnishing.. …



                – true only in regard to an insert that is being loaded in the direction for which it was designed.

                Under normal conditions, the edge is supported by the entire thickness of the material beneath it.

                With pressure applied laterally, there is little or no supporting material immediately behind the edge due to the chip-breaker.


                jimmy b

                  <p style=”text-align: left;”>You need a diamond for single point burnishing or the hardened roller type.</p>
                  You’ll need a fairly good finish before and consistent size.

                  We do a bit if this at work, on both lathes and milling.


                  The results can be quite amazing.


                  Funnily enough I’m planning on trying this out at home, but will stick to the polished diamond. They can be had for than £20 on ebay.



                  Sonic Escape

                    What is the drawback of a polished diamond? To me it looks like the simplest solution.

                    jimmy b

                      The diamond burnishing tools are a diamond with a polished finish.


                      bernard towers

                        how do you get on with using diamond on ferrous material?

                        Robert Atkinson 2

                          Burnishing should not get anything hot enough to be an issue.

                          bernard towers

                            Didnt think it was anything to do with heat just that diamond tools are not recommended on ferrous materials.

                            Sonic Escape

                              I read somewhere that diamond tend to disolve in hot steel. That is why diamond grinding wheels are recomended only for carbide tools and CBN for HSS.


                                It’s not as simple as that, but yes. Diamond is not compatible with ferrous metals at high temperatures and pressures.

                                jimmy b

                                  More information on burnishing


                                  jimmy b
                                    duncan webster 1

                                      As far as I can discover diamond reacts with iron in the steel at temperatures above 700C to give iron carbide, which is why I bought  CBN wheel for my little drill sharpening grinder. For light use I doubt it gets that hot. If it gets really hot, the diamond can change it’s crystal form and become graphite, but that is really hot, 1500C.

                                      jimmy b

                                        Burnishing doesn’t create much heat, unless you are doing it wrong!



                                        Neil Lickfold

                                          Does the radius diamond tool spin in it’s holder when used on a lathe?  So the edge is not stationary but rotates with the part?


                                          jimmy b

                                            The diamond is fixed.

                                            The steel roller type do rotate.

                                            Flood coolant is used too.



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