Don’t, glassblowing is a very frustrating art to learn. Joining tubes will cockle up at the drop of a hat.
If you must, try a book Creative Glassblowing by James Hammesfarh and Clair Stong published by Scientific American.
Book has details of air/gas venturis and air/gas burners (glassfires). Plenty of examples on the web. Be prepared for a lot of experiments and failures.
I did try making my own glassfires – propane/air – possible but tricky. A glass lathe can be made from plastic sheet with aluminium chucks, a leadscrew to bring the two together. Drive the chucks with two stepper motors at the same speed. I Tried and found my hookup too flimsy and while I was concentrating on the joint I was alarmed to find an almighty bulge in one of the silicone gas hoses. Be careful.
I made a fairly useful fires using butane pencil torches with the back chopped off and a hose fitting JB Welded in. Probably not ‘gas safe’.
For borosilicate/pyrex you need oxygen, gas/air does not quite cut it. Assorted ways to use ex medical concentrators or the usual gas bottles.
Have fun.