Hello all,
I've been reading a lot about shapers recently, and it re-kindled my on and off desire to own one for myself. I don't have room for a normal size powered version, so a hand operated one is the option I am going for. I remembered reading an article in the Best of Model Engineer Volume 3, a reprint from June 9, 1949, entitled "A hand bench shaper" by F T Leightwood.
I had dismissed this article when I first read it, as being unsuitable due to the materials needed (6" x 5" x 1/2" steel angle), techniques (welding), and equipment needed to build (The author used a full sized shaper owned by a friend for some of the machining).
However, recently I have been rethinking, and I wondered if it would be possible – or reasonable – to build it using aluminium and/or steel plate, screwing or bolting parts together instead of welding, etc.
So I decided to build a mock-up using plywood and MDF, screwed and glued together, with M8 threaded rod for the slide controls. It is coming along nicely, and has proved the concept that it would be possible to make one of these shapers by built-up methods. I've not finished the mock-up yet, but have made the main components, and will be finishing it off over the next week or so, before starting to build one for real. Making the mock-up version has shown me a few things, one being helping visualise how to make and assemble the shaper, another being just how small this shaper is, considering it has around a 6" ram travel!
As soon as I figure out how to add pictures, I'll upload some pictures of what I have achieved so far
Ricky Walker
edit: Sorry, thread title should be "build a.". not "build as "
Edited By Ricky Walker on 06/03/2019 14:47:43