I’ve had my current BT landline for 14 years, as a BT Business customer. Now I’ve retired I asked BT if I could retain the landline and my phone number, but move to a residential tariff rather than a business one, with nothing else changing (my broadband is with a different provider) – “No problem !” they said, “we’ll do it straight away !”.
Needless to say, my current broadband connection disappeared a couple of days later. BT had informed my current provider that I was changing to them, and instructed them to cease my broadband. My own provider had asked if I wanted to cease and I’d said no, but apparently BT had gone up a tier to my provider’s provider, and got them to cease it. I was told it would take 14 days minimum to reinstate, but my provider managed to persuade the tiers above to make me a special case, and I was reconnected after 4 days.
I then got a snotty email from BT saying that I hadn’t made an appointment with their installation engineer for my new broadband ! Fortunately I mentioned this to my provider, who said that they’d have to have words with BT as BT would probably use the non-visit as a pretext to cease my line again.
Since then (several months ago) I’ve had no more problems, but I’m still paying BT a business tarriff. Does anyone know of a land-line provider who can take mine over without requiring me to switch to their broadband ?
I’ve been dealing with BT for over 50 years, both as an employee* (including one of the earliest large leased-line networks in the UK) and in my own business (ISDN). At no stage have they been anything other than utterly bloody useless…
* Edit:That’s a bit ambiguous, I wasn’t a BT employee, I worked for a large automotive manufacturer who had many dealings with BT.