Hi Brian
I am fairly confident that whatever pitch leadscrew the lathe has in practice, the metric table at least is based on a 2mm leadscrew, which agrees with Julian's measurement of what was meant to be an 11 tpi thread.
I had already tried 12tpi in my spreadsheet and according to the plate in the photo the metric threads work (at least approximately, apart from 2.5mm, which looks like a typo) if the leadscrew is 2mm pitch, but none of them come close at 12 tpi:
Pitch, 2mm L/S,12tpi L/S
0.5 mm, 0.500 mm, 0.529 mm
0.75 mm, 0.741 mm, 0.784 mm
1 mm, 1.000 mm, 1.058 mm
1.25 mm, 1.244, mm 1.317 mm
1.5 mm, 1.493 mm, 1.580 mm
1.75 mm, 1.750 mm, 1.852 mm
2 mm, 2.000 mm, 2.117 mm (56/84 x 60/40 = 1:1, suggesting 2mm leadscrew)
2.5 mm, 2.121 mm, 2.245mm (2.545 mm with 2mm L/S if 50t & 60t gears swapped)
The imperial threads are a mess with either pitch leadscrew, it is as if only the gears for metric threads are supplied.
tpi, 2mm L/S, 12 tpi L/S
10 tpi, 9.4 tpi, 8.9 tpi
11 tpi, 9.8 tpi, 9.3 tpi (2.585mm with 2mm leadscrew)
14 tp,i 15.1 tpi, 14.3 tpi (Pretty close if using a 12 tpi leadscrew)
19 tpi, 13.6 tpi, 12.9 tpi
20 tpi, 19.8 tpi, 18.7 tpi (Close again but with a 2mm leadscrew)
22 tpi, 18.9 tpi, 17.8 tpi
28 tpi, 30.2 tpi, 28.6 tpi
38 tpi, 34.3 tpi, 32.4 tpi
40 tpi, 41.6 tpi, 39.3 tpi (Close with a 12 tpi leadscrew)
44 tpi, 38.1 tpi, 36.0 tpi
Either there is something very wrong with my calculations (I rather hope for the sake of anybody with one of these machines that is the case), or the designers copied parts of the table from another lathe, perhaps unwittingly or else confident that only a small percentage of customers will try screwcutting before it is too late to return the lathe.
For comparison, the least accurate imperial pitches claimed by my son's metric Chester lathe are 8, 16 and 32 tpi, which all have the same percentage error, coming out at 8.03, 16.05 and 32.1 tpi respectively, which I think is reasonable from a metric lathe, whilst all the metric pitches are correct.
Brian G
Edited when I discovered that my attempts at tabulation were a dismal failure 
Edited By Brian G on 11/04/2021 17:43:43